
2017-07-23 17:22

自律研究因其对教育和核心学术内容领域的影响而有所增加。此外,自我调节已经表明,被教导使用自我调节策略可以提高学生的学习和学业成绩。自我调节策略可以教不同的学生类型包括那些有学习障碍,精神发育迟滞,从城市学校,少数民族,男孩,女孩,甚至那些已经赋予所有通过接受教育和利用的策略在其整个学术生涯受益。此外,自我调节能在大学期间取得学术上的成功。学习困难的学生努力发展写作能力,足以通过州和地区的考试,提前到年级和高中毕业。粉笔,Hagan Burke,& Burke(2005)提供的证据表明,有学习障碍的学生的自律能力提高了学生的写作教学。这项研究调查了15名有学习障碍的高中二年级学生。在学习了这些技能后,他们的表现得到了改善,并在写作的质量和数量上有了适度的提高。
Research in self-regulation has increased because of its impact on education and in core academic content areas. Furthermore, self-regulation has shown that being taught the use of self-regulated strategies may improve student learning and academic achievement. Self-regulated strategies may be taught to different types of students including those with learning disabilities, mental retardation, from urban schools, minority, boys, girls, and even those that are already gifted all benefit by being educated and utilizing the strategies throughout their academic career. In addition, self-regulation can lead to academic success during college.Students with learning disabilities struggle to develop writing skills sufficient to pass state and district exams, advance grade to grade, and graduate high school. Chalk, Hagan-Burke, & Burke (2005) provided evidence that teaching students with learning disabilities self-regulation skills improves students writing. The study examined 15 high school sophomores with learning disabilities that were taught to apply self-regulated strategies for writing. After learning the skills they showed improvement and resulted in modest improvements in the quality and quantity of writing.