
2017-10-25 12:37

第七个目标是确保环境的可持续性。这通常被认为是确保后代至少有相同或更好的生活质量,我们目前正在做的。这一目标取得显著进展,近年来随着教育的帮助。联合国网站指出,“1990和2012之间,有23亿人获得改善的饮用水源。“教育国家对资源、环境问题,积极规范合理配置,更将有助于实现这一目标。目标八:实现建立全球发展伙伴关系。联合国教科文组织的报告,“援助基础教育在世界上最贫穷的国家来只有27亿美元的2007,从$ US16十亿每年需要达到教育的相关发展目标相去甚远。发展中国家也可以通过教育优先做更多的–。如果低收入国家在其国内生产总值的0.7%,在教育上,它可以使大约70亿美元每年提供基础教育。”联合国国家做贡献,对发展中国家的援助,但只有少数使其实际限额以上。如果所有的国家都将有助于正确数额的教育和较低的发达国家将正确地分配他们的资金,世界就会更快发展。
The seventh goal is to ensure environmental sustainability. This is often thought of as ensuring that the future generations have at least the same or better quality of life as we currently do. This goal has made significant progress over the recent years with the help of education. The United Nations website states, “Between 1990 and 2012, 2.3 billion people gained access to improved drinking water sources.” Educating countries on proper allocation of resources, environmental problems, positive regulations, and much more will contribute to accomplishing this goal. Goal eight was implemented to develop global partnerships for development. The UNESCO reports, “Aid for basic education in the world’s poorest countries came to only US$2.7 billion in 2007, a far cry from the $US16 billion needed annually to reach education-related development goals. Developing countries can also do more – by making education a priority. If low-income countries spent 0.7% of their GDP on education, it could make about US$7 billion available per year for basic education.” The United Nations countries do contribute aid to the developing countries, but only a few make their actual quota or above. Perhaps if all the nations would contribute the correct amount to education and the lower developed countries would correctly allocate their funds, the world would be on a faster pace of development.