
2018-03-11 15:37

Although people usually only use the terms "bilingual education" and "English immersion", there are actually numerous methods included in these general terms. Developmental bilingual education is a method that suggests that LEPs should be taught both English and their native language for 5-7 years. Another method is the transitional method in which the LEPs are taught in their native language for up to 3 years, in all subjects and also learning English "on the side" and are then moved to standard classes. According to a more complicated method, two-way bilingual education, students that speak English and LEPs should be put in one classroom in which they will be taught in both languages, and therefore the students will all become bilingual. Structured immersion is a teaching method in which LEP students are taught subject matter in English. In alternate immersion, also known as sheltered English, LEPs are taught subject that are not very language intensive, such as math, in English and as their English proficiency increases they start learning language intensive subjects in English as well. Sometimes this method includes teaching the same class twice- once in each language.My thesis is that schools should be required to provide a bilingual education program, rather an English immersion program, in order to minimize the gaps between limited English proficiency students and native English speaking students.