Auckland assignment 代写:行为主义

2018-03-30 22:52

B.F.斯金纳建立在约翰·沃森的行为主义的基础上,并指出了儿童的两种行为反应;古典和操作性条件反射。经典条件反射理论认为,一种行为遵循一定的刺激,而著名的巴甫洛夫的狗则是这一理论的催化剂。从我的观察来看,许多经典条件反射的例子在老师的方法中是很明显的,在我的数学观察中可能是最值得纪念的,它被有效地用作行为管理工具。教训非常teacher-centred方法和在教室里有一个系统,当噪音水平达到一定程度(不可接受的水平),老师会拍掌控制节奏(这作为刺激),立即冻结所有的孩子,会拍着他们的手在回应老师的节奏(响应)。孩子们立即对这种方法作出了反应,老师很有效地控制了噪音水平。这是一个典型的行为主义的例子,教师是主导的人,并且控制他们的课堂(Snowman, McCown & Bielher 2011)。此外,在这个方法中,强化的概念是显而易见的,这个“系统”包括连续不断的重复动作(Pritchard 2005)。Coolican(2004)认为这种教学方法对于创造一个有利于学习的教室环境是有用的,因为它可以帮助行为管理。在这一点上,很明显,经典条件反射的例子有效地支持了沃森的概念,即如何改变和训练行为。然而,从我个人的经验来看,一个以教师为中心的工作环境可能会有它的局限性,因为它变得不那么吸引人,它也可能会将开放小组讨论的机会最小化。
Auckland assignment 代写:行为主义
B.F. Skinner built upon the behaviourism work of John Watson and identified two behavioural responses by children; classical and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning suggests that an action follows a given stimulus, with the famous case study of Pavlov's dogs a catalyst within this theory. From my observations, many examples of classical conditioning are evident within this teacher's methods, with perhaps the most memorable occasion occurring within my mathematics observation, where it was effectively used as a behaviour management tool. The lesson had a very teacher-centred approach and there was a system in the classroom that whenever noise levels reached a certain point (unacceptable level), the teacher would take control and clap their hands in a rhythm (this acting as the stimulus) and immediately all the children freeze and would clap their hands in response to the teacher's rhythm (response). Children responded immediately to this method, with the teacher controlling noise levels very effectively. This is a classic example of a behaviourist approach with the teacher being the dominant person and taking control of their classroom (Snowman, McCown & Bielher 2011). Also, the concept of reinforcement is apparent within this method, with this 'system' consisting of continuous repetitive actions (Pritchard 2005). Coolican (2004) argues that this approach to teaching is useful for creating a classroom environment that is conducive to learning as it can aid behaviour management. Upon this evidence, it is apparent that this example of classical conditioning worked effectively and supports the notion of Watson in how behaviours can be changed and trained. However, from my own personal experiences a teacher-centred working environment can have its limitations in that lessons become less engaging and it also perhaps minimises opportunities for open group discussions for instance