
2019-03-02 14:43

使用虚拟现实和增强现实有很多好处。根据经验锥体理论,学习者只记住他们所读内容的10%,但通过观看和做模拟体验,他们在执行一个动作时记住了他们所说内容的90% (Chih, 2007)。虚拟现实可以看作是一种体验学习的应用,学习者可以在其中体验虚拟的条件。虚拟现实还允许更多的实践经验,这将有助于那些动觉型学习者。虚拟现实也可以是一种性价比高的选择,而不是带着一群学生去美术馆、博物馆或学校附近可能没有的地方。当谈到增强现实技术时,学生们在课堂内外的反应都很好(Misty, 2014)。学生可以独立或依赖地使用增强现实技术。增强现实技术允许学生和教师之间进行更多的合作。学生有探索的意识,可以对学习更多的话题感兴趣。增强现实可以通过信息叠加的使用,鼓励学生更深入地学习正在学习的任务、概念和资源。这种鼓励可以在学生和信息之间建立更深更持久的联系。总之,增强现实和虚拟现实在课堂上有很多好处。这种技术可以是一种廉价且广泛使用的吸引学生学习的方式。虽然有很多应用程序,但在这个不断增长的教育领域,还有很多应用程序正在开发中。增强现实和虚拟现实正在成为教育的重要组成部分,随着时间的推移和我们技术的发展,它的使用将继续增长。
There are many benefits to using virtual reality and augmented reality. According to the cone of experience theory, learners only remember 10% of what they read, but remember 90% of what they say as they perform an action by seeing and doing a simulation experience (Chih, 2007). Virtual reality can be treated as an application of experience learning where learners can experience conditions virtually. Virtual reality also allows for more of a hands-on experience which will help those that are kinesthetic learners. Virtual reality can also be a cost-effective option to use instead of taking groups of students to things like an art gallery, museum, or place that may not be around the school.When it comes to augmented reality, students have reacted well using the technology both in and outside the classroom (Misty, 2014). Students can use augmented reality both independently or dependently. Augmented reality technology allows for more collaboration between students and teachers. Students have a sense of exploration and can become interested in learning more about a topic. Augmented reality can encourage students to a deeper level with the tasks, concepts, and resources being studied through the use of information overlays. This encouragement can cause deeper and lasting connections between the student and information.In conclusion, augmented and virtual realities have many benefits in the classroom. The technology can be a cheap and widely available way to engage students to learn. Although there are many apps out there, there are still many in the works in this growing area of education. Augmented and virtual realities are on the way to becoming an important part of education and its use will continue to grow as time goes on and our technology grows.