
2017-05-10 06:58

 Therefore it is essential that educational practitioners are encouraging children to look at difference and diversity through other individual's eyes as the children may not have the same encouragement at home.  According to Freud's theory influences are unconsciously developed at a young age so it would be advantageous to practitioners promote positive thinking and attitudes towards topics that are uncomfortable to discuss such as disability, race, gender and social background at an early stage. Children will develop a better understanding if these topics are discussed openly and sensibly and honestly rather than keeping them taboo.  In early year settings there are many different types of diversity that a child could experience such as race, gender, ethnic groups, religion and disability.  As practitioners we should support children, parents and families as they encounter and deal with diversity with encouragement and guidance. Hopefully the parent will continue the education in the home setting which is why they to need to be informed.A part of the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) in the Personal, social and emotional development area of learning children are encourage to establish constructive relationships and, develop self esteem in a safe environment and gain a sense of the community, all this helps to develop the child's awareness of difference in their peers. "Children need adults to set a good example and to give them opportunities for interaction with others so that they can develop positive ideas about themselves and others."