澳洲堪培拉作业代写 政治策略

2020-04-28 13:55

乔纳森·斯威夫特的写作风格包含了对政治策略、这一时期的战争、对宗教权威人士的评判以及人的罪恶本性(欲望、虚荣和贪婪)的强烈讽刺和机智。他能够为读者描绘出一幅生动的关于这些事情的黑暗面的图画,他提出了一个谦虚的建议,可能是试图引起读者对爱尔兰人的同情。当我第一次读这本书的时候,我觉得书名有点欺骗性,我真的认为斯威夫特可能有一个很好的解决贫困问题的方法。正如我们的课本所述,“他说他最希望的是用一种对世界的愚蠢感到不安的意识来‘激怒’他的读者。”(Puchner, et al. 331)在我看来,斯威夫特只是完成了一个温和的建议。我不想撒谎,我完全被他的求婚过程吓到了。为了减少贫困,母亲应该把孩子当肉卖,从而使公众受益。多么荒谬!直到年底,斯威夫特的提议,我意识到他夸大他的嘲讽,但在一种修辞方式,对政府缺乏关注贫穷的爱尔兰人从而提供一个经济solution.Swift使用隐喻时,“这是真的,一个孩子,只是从它的大坝,(384)我对此的解释是,他把一个女人生孩子的待遇比作一个动物生孩子的待遇。“我已经计算出照顾一个乞丐的孩子的费用(我估计其中包括所有的农民、劳工和五分之四的农民)大约是每年两先令,”(Swift 386)就是一个带有恒定的“c”音的押头韵的例子。斯威夫特用了一个我认为相当令人不安的例子来比喻烤孩子,就像你烤猪一样。我宁愿不去想象。“不过我还是建议给孩子们买活的,给他们穿上滚烫的刀,就像我们烤猪一样。当我发现这个故事的讽刺之处在于,斯威夫特并没有认真对待他的求婚,而是提出了相反的建议时,我松了一口气。迅速承认过去的一部分,他的建议,“我承认,我的心,真诚的,至少我没有个人兴趣努力促进这种必要的工作,没有其他比我国的公共利益的动机,通过推进我们的贸易,提供婴儿,救济穷人,并给予一些富人高兴。
澳洲堪培拉作业代写 政治策略
Jonathan Swift’s style of writing contained a strong satire and wit towards political strategy, war during this period, judgement of those holding a religious authority, as well as the sinful nature of man (lust, vanity, and greed). He was able to paint a vivid picture of the dark side for his reader’s concerning these matters in A Modest Proposal possibly trying draw readers to have pity on the Irish. I found the title to be a bit deceiving and really thought Swift might possibly have a wonderful solution to poverty when I first began reading. As stated in our textbook, “What he said he most wanted was to ‘vex’ his readers with an uncomfortable awareness of the follies of the world.” (Puchner, et al. 331) In my opinion, Swift accomplished just that in A Modest Proposal. I’m not going to lie, I was completely horrified by his though process he was proposing. In order to reduce poverty, mothers should sell their babies as meat therefore benefiting the public? How absurd! It wasn’t until the end of Swift’s proposal that I realized he was exaggerating his mockery, but in a rhetorical way, towards the government’s lack of concern of the Irish people in poverty thus offering an economic solution.Swift uses a metaphor when he states, “It is true, a child, just dropped from its dam, may be supported by her milk for a solar year with little other nourishment;” (384) My interpretation of this is that he is comparing the treatment of a woman giving birth to a child in comparison to an animal (dam) giving birth to its baby. “I have already computed the charge of nursing a beggar’s child (in which list I reckon all cottagers, labourers, and four-fifths of the farmers) to be about two shillings per annum,” (Swift 386) Is an example alliteration with the constant “c” sound. Swift used what I thought to be a rather disturbing example of allusion when described roasting a child as you would a pig. One I would rather not imagine. “Although I rather recommend buying children alive, and dressing them hot from the knife, as we do roasting pigs.” (Swift 386) I was rather relieved when I found that the irony of the story was that Swift was not being serious about his proposal but rather he had just the opposite advice. Swift admits in the last part of his proposal, “I profess, in the sincerity of my heart, that I have not the least personal interest in endeavoring to promote this necessary work, having no other motive than the public good of my country, by advancing our trade, providing for infants, relieving the poor, and giving some pleasure to the rich.