麦考瑞 Assignment代写 约会网站

2016-12-16 08:10


(Schlenker,1980)——也许通常由试图影响别人对我们的看法有利的方式影响我们的自我表现,社会的方式使我们看起来更可取的,相比我们的经验自我。尤其是鉴于社会交友网站的技术特性,我们之间的媒介和其他人在网上约会,让我们以各种各样的方式呈现自己可能伸展truth-whether我们这样做有意无意地(Dovidio &法齐奥,1992)——参与电脑仲介相亲。这样一个过程既相似又不同于在日常生活中我们一直想象(·高夫曼,1959)。给出可能的技术增强自己和社会距离,存在于计算机中介,但不是在人际沟通中,允许更大的操纵我们的自我表现的方式不可能,人际关系虽然在过程的核心,我们仍执行作为演员,比如那些·高夫曼(1959)描述。然而,当我们认识到我们可能有可能继续发展虚拟关系,通过人际关系,面对面的浪漫,就会发现,我们的这种倾向就会受到削弱,如果不是几乎完全否定,因为我们不愿意失望——至少在某种程度上,他们的区别我们创建的预期,在网上,我们继续,离线,不会引起其他如此不满拒绝我们(皇冠假日品牌&马洛,1960)。网上交友者,我们将很有可能通过网上交友更诚实在我们印象管理配置文件创建,当预期相比,我们的虚拟自我表现真实的自我在未来的某个时刻,为了避免别人的不满和保持关系。我们有时预见的可能性创造预期落空,有人满足我们在日常生活中,如果我们现在自己太理想在我们网上交友档案。

麦考瑞 Assignment代写 约会网站

(Schlenker, 1980)–which perhaps are most often represented by attempts to influence others’ perceptions of us in favorable ways–can affect our self-presentations, in ways that make us look more socially desirable, in comparison to our empirical selves. Particularly, given the technological features of social dating websites, the medium between us and others in online dating, allow us to present ourselves in a variety of ways that might stretch the truth–whether we do so knowingly or unknowingly (Dovidio & Fazio, 1992)–when participating in computer-mediated matchmaking. Such a process is both similar to and different from what we have been imagined to do in everyday life (Goffman, 1959). Given both the possible technological enhancements of ourselves and the social distance that are present in computer mediation, but not in interpersonal communication, allow for greater manipulation of our self-presentation in ways that aren’t possible, interpersonally, although, at the heart of the process, we are still performing as actors, in ways such as those that Goffman (1959) had described.   
However, when we recognize that we might likely continue developing a virtual relationship, through interpersonal, face-to-face romance, it would follow that our such tendencies will be tempered, if not almost completely negated, because we would not like to disappoint another – at least to the extent that they difference between the expectations we created, online, and those we continue, offline, do not cause the other to be so dissatisfied as to reject us (Crowne & Marlowe, 1960).  So, as online daters, we would very likely be more honest in managing our impressions through online dating profile creation, when anticipating that our virtual self-presentation will be compared to our actual selves at some future point, in order to avoid others’ dissatisfaction and maintain a relationship.  That is, we sometimes foresee the possibility of creating expectations that will be disconfirmed when someone meets us in day-to-day life, if we present ourselves too ideally in our online dating profiles.