
2017-07-07 15:05

纳撒尼尔·霍桑的小说《年轻的古德曼·布朗》充满讽刺意味。故事开始时,一位年轻的清教徒丈夫在日落时离开了他年轻的清教徒妻子。信仰,就像妻子被恰当地命名的那样,把她自己吸引人的头推到大街上,任由风吹着帽子上的粉红丝带,而她却打电话给布朗。纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)说,这一信仰被恰如其分地命名,这是一种讽刺的宣言,她后来在晚上的时候,正被作为一个新皈依邪恶群体的魔鬼崇拜者的信徒所承认。对信仰的描述和她戴上粉色缎带一样漂亮,象征着生命和青春的天真也是一种讽刺(霍桑405)。新西兰assignment代写:年轻的古德曼·布朗更具有讽刺意味的是古德曼布朗与老人的对话。他首先对他明显的血统纯洁性进行了研究,并声称他的父亲和祖父并没有背离清教徒的血统。老人发现,他的亲戚不仅熟悉异常的道路,而且在个人层面上也很熟悉魔鬼。在这篇文章中,讽刺的是魔鬼帮助古德曼布朗的祖先在迫害印第安人和教友时。确实有讽刺的是,大多数虔诚的信徒都是在森林里的邪恶聚会上出现的。在这条小路上绕过年轻的布朗和魔鬼的老妇人被布朗认出是教她教义问答的女人。
Nathaniel Hawthorne's story Young Goodman Brown is saturated, with irony. At the beginning of the narrative a youthful Puritan husband leaves at sunset from his youthful Puritan wife. Faith, like the wife was suitably named, pushes her own appealing head into the street, allowing the wind to play with the pink ribbons which were on her cap, whereas she called to Goodman Brown. Nathaniel Hawthorne says that Faith is appropriately named, an ironic declaration since she later on in the evening, is being acknowledged into the congregation of devil-worshippers as a fresh convert to the evil cluster. The description of faith as pretty as well as her putting on pink ribbons, as a sign of cheerful outlook on life and youthful innocence is also ironic (Hawthorne 405).There is more irony in the Goodman Brown's dialogue with the old man. He at first clings to his apparent purity of lineage furthermore claims that his father and grandfather had not deviated from the Puritanical lineage. The old man discovers that not only were his relatives acquainted with the abnormal path but well familiar the devil on an individual level. The irony inside this passage is seen when the devil assists Goodman Brown's ancestors during the persecution of Indians and Quakers.There is definitely irony in the fact that it is the majority of the pious church people who emerge at the evil gathering inside the forest. The aged woman who bypasses Young Goodman Brown as well as the devil on the trail is recognized by Brown as the woman who taught her catechism.