
2017-08-14 10:05

鉴于对女童教育的价值和超越的证据表明投资于女孩的普遍理解可以成为一个成功的扶贫战略,国际社会和各国政府为增加参与和进步对教育系统建立性别平等的雄心勃勃的目标。”千年发展目标(MDG),2000由联合国所有成员国的批准,称为2015在所有国家普及小学教育,以及由2015各级性别平等。”(Levine 2006:128)在许多发展中国家在全球范围内,已经有女生在招生和小学教育完成显著增加。例如,“在所有的发展中国家,女童完成小学教育增加了17%,从65%到76%,1990和2000之间。”(同上:129)虽然发展中国家已经看到女孩的素养和完成教育,进步的一些国家,特别是那些低收入的贫困国家,仍有很长的要走的路。完成学校教育尤其是贫穷国家的一个重大问题。”据估计,1亿400万的小学时代世界各地的1亿2100万个孩子都不在学校,在非洲和南亚的严重短缺。”(同上)的贫困是一个关键的抑制因子对女孩的教育,并在女童发展中世界的约束是辽阔的。
Given the widespread understanding about the value of educating girls' and the surmounting evidence that has shown investing in girls' can be a successful poverty-fighting strategy, the international community and national governments have established ambitious goals for increased participation and progress towards gender parity in education systems. "The Millennium Development Goals (MDG), approved by all member states of the United Nations in 2000, call for universal primary education in all countries by 2015, as well as gender parity at all levels by 2015." (Levine 2006: 128) In many developing countries around the globe, there have been significant increases in the enrollment and completion of primary education for girls'. For example, "Across all developing countries, girls' primary school completion increased by 17 percent, from 65 percent to 76 percent between 1990 and 2000." (Ibid: 129) Although the developing world has seen progress in girls' attainment and completion of education, some nations, especially those lower-income poverty stricken nations, still have a long way to go. Completion of schooling is a significant problem especially in poor countries. "An estimated 104 million to 121 million children of primary school age across the globe are not in school, with the worst shortfalls in Africa and South Asia." (Ibid) Poverty is a key-inhibiting factor to the education of girls', and the constraints that hinder girls in the developing world are vast.