
2018-04-27 16:58

 entitles 'Editors overview: mentoring models that promote development, socialization and skills-building' I have selected this article as I feel it is relevant to me, as after completing my degree, I am hoping to pursue a career in higher education, in the mentoring sector. The article itself is directly aimed at teachers in Higher Education.The aim of the journal article is to address the issue of 'mentoring models that promote development and socialization, within the higher education context.' The authors explore a wide range of researches which have been carried out in reflection to the aim of the article.The article has been organised according to the two related themes which it addresses, (1) mentoring models that promote development and socialization and (2) mentoring and tutoring models that build a range of skills, within higher education. In a sense the content of the article addresses what the title aims to illustrate.In reflection to the 'mentoring models' the authors provide the reader with narrative accounts of various individuals of their experiences. The article refers to the narrative accounts as 'enriching the learning experiences of other doctoral students and instructors'. The use of autoethrographic analysis has been utilised by the author when consigning to various individuals in the article, as a means of 'capturing an honest portrayal of challenge and growth....'