
2018-09-18 16:20

两名小学教师将参加这项研究。在学校,一组小学老师教1-3年级,另一组教4 - 5年级。这项研究的参与者将从一般教4年级和5年级的学生中挑选出来,因为在这些年级中,数学内容比低年级更密集。学员将根据在校教学年限和教学经验进行选拔。有5 - 15年工作经验的教师优先。参加者将在课程开始时接受访问,以收集他们作为教师的一般信息。在那之后,他们的课程将至少在五个完整的观察周期内被观察,包括五个面试前阶段,五个课程观察阶段和五个面试后阶段。课程将会被录影,参加者将会被提供每一个观察到的课程录影的副本,以便在进入面试后的会议前对其进行反思。每个观测周期将在两周内完成,因此观测周期过程将持续大约10周。除此之外,参与者将在这十周内保持反思日志,并且在每个观察期结束时检查日志条目。数据采集流程的总体设计如表3.1所示。
Two elementary teachers will participate in the study. In the school, one group of elementary teachers teaches to the grades 1-3 and the other group teaches to the grades 4 and 5. The participants of the study will be selected from those who generally teach to 4th and 5th grades since in these grade levels, mathematics content is more intensive when compared to lower grade levels. The participants will be selected according to number of years in teaching in school and teaching experience overall. Teachers having five to fifteen years of experience will be preferred as participants . The participants will be interviewed in the beginning of the process in order to gather general information about them as teachers. After that, their lessons will be observed within at least five whole observation cycles, including five pre-interview sessions, five lesson observations and five post-interview sessions. The lessons will be video-taped and participants will be provided a copy of each observed lesson video in order to make reflection on it before coming to the post-interview session. Each of the observation cycles will be completed in two weeks, therefore the observation cycle process will last about ten weeks. In addition to this, the participants will keep reflective journal during these ten weeks and the journal entries will be checked at the end of each observation period. The general design of the data collection procedure is in the Table 3.1.