
2019-12-23 17:50

尽管存在这些弱点,特斯拉公司(Tesla Inc.)的超级充电网络的扩张还是带来了销量的大幅增长。目前,在北美、亚洲、欧洲和中东地区共有1210个超级充电站,配有9428个超级充电站。特斯拉正在积极拓展超级充电器在更多城市地区的杂货店、购物中心和交通繁忙地区的存在。随着长途旅行的可能性和电动汽车在北美、欧洲和亚洲的广泛接受,这一努力应该能够增加客户吸引力,并最终增加销售收入。特斯拉公司面临的主要威胁来自激烈的竞争和法律/监管问题。特斯拉目前依靠其高端品牌形象来抵消来自其他汽车制造商的其他电动汽车,如日产LEAF、雪佛兰Bolt和宝马i3。目前,美国许多州不允许汽车制造商直接销售汽车。这对特斯拉的广泛扩张是有害的,因为该公司只直接从互联网订单和/或特斯拉商店销售他们的产品。特斯拉公司有一个非常独特和不同寻常,但非常成功的营销策略,使它有别于竞争对手。正如埃隆·马斯克所说,“特斯拉是一家技术公司和独立的汽车制造商,旨在为普通消费者提供负担得起的电动汽车。”特斯拉公司最初的业务是生产电动汽车(ev), 2012年6月推出了Model S。Model S被认为是世界上里程最长的全电动生产轿车,一次充满电后的行驶里程估计为335英里。在性能方面,Model S仍然是“有史以来最快的加速生产车型”。2015年9月,随着Model X的发布,EV产品线得以延续,“最多可容纳7人的座位、全轮驱动以及我们的自动驾驶功能”。最后,特斯拉公司于2017年7月开始生产Model 3,专注于以更低的价格向大众市场提供Model S和Model X的豪华品质。随着太阳能屋顶的推出,特斯拉现在提供了全套的能源产品。
Despite the weaknesses, Tesla Inc. sees a major sales growth due to the expansion of its Supercharge Network. Currently, there are 1210 Supercharge stations collectively equipped with 9,428 Superchargers across North America, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Tesla is actively venturing to expand the presence of Superchargers in more urban areas at grocery stores, shopping centers, and high-traffic areas. With the possibility of long-distance travel and widespread acceptance of electric vehicles across North America, Europe, and Asia, this effort should work to increase customer appeal and ultimately sales revenue. The main threats facing Tesla Inc. are rooted in intense levels of competition and legal/regulatory issues. Tesla currently relies on its premium brand image to offset other electric vehicles from other car manufacturers, such as the Nissan LEAF, Chevrolet Bolt, and BMW i3. Currently, many states within American do not allow the direct sale of a vehicle from a manufacturer. This is damaging to the widespread expansion of Tesla, as the company only sells their products directly from Internet orders and/or Tesla stores. Tesla, Inc. has a very distinct and unusual, yet vastly successful marketing strategy that sets it apart from its competition. As stated by Elon Musk, “Tesla is a technology company and independent automaker, aiming to offer electric cars affordable to the average consumer.” The original line of business for Tesla Inc. was the production of electric vehicles (EVs), with the introduction of the Model S in June 2012. The Model S is noted as the longest range all-electric production sedan in the world, with an estimated 335 miles per full charge. In the performance version, the Model S remains the “quickest accelerating production vehicle ever.” The EV line continued in September 2015 with the release of the Model X, with “seating for up to seven people, all-wheel drive, and our autopilot functionality”. Finally, Tesla Inc. began producing the Model 3 in July 2017, which focused on delivering the luxury quality of the Model S and X at a lower price for the mass market. With the introduction of Solar Roof, Tesla now offers a full suite of energy products.