
2020-01-04 20:35

共产主义的出现改变了西方自由民主国家对多元文化的看法。共产主义对多元文化主义的影响可以追溯到社会理论理论家查尔斯·泰勒(Charles Taylor),他提出的社会理论是对自由政治理论的批判。[8] 另一方面,保守派思想家预见到民族团结的分裂,并采取措施区分通过个别案例追求自尊和作为具有不同身份的少数群体。保守派思想家认为,自尊的需要不应该是个人的追求,而应该是一种将社会联系在一起的纽带的追求。个人主义关注被认为是一种“贫困的自由观”。关于群体与个人认同的争论也成为政治理论家和自由主义思想家关注的焦点。群体的重要性体现在它们在塑造人们的身份和政治派别方面所起的作用。也有包括艾米·古特曼(Amy Gutmann)和乔舒亚·科恩(Joshua Cohen)在内的深思熟虑的民主党人提议,通过不断审议涉及公民权利的政策和机构,接受群体多样性。
The emergence of communism changed the way multiculturalism was perceived in liberal democratic states of the west. The impact of communism on multiculturalism can be traced to social theory theorists like Charles Taylor who came up with social thesis as a critique of liberal political theory. [8] Conservative thinkers on the other hand foresaw a break up of national unity and took steps to differentiate between the pursuit of self-respect through isolated individual cases and as minority groups bearing distinct identities. The conservative thinkers were of the opinion that the need for self respect should not be an individual pursuit but it should rather be a pursue for ties that bind the society together. Individualistic concerns were perceived as an “impoverished conception of freedom” The debate over group versus individual recognition has become a major concern for political theorists and liberal thinkers as well. The importance of groups is seen in the role they play in shaping people’s identity and political affiliation. There have also been deliberative democrats, including Amy Gutmann and Joshua Cohen who propose that group diversity be accepted through a continuous process of deliberating over the policies and institutions that address citizen rights.