新西兰电影assignment代写 《摩登时代》《兰格先生

2020-03-20 00:29

此外,工厂老板疏远了他们的同事。取消午餐时间对员工产生了负面影响。他们将无法在不受雇主限制的情况下进行社交活动。工作场所缺乏互动体现了马克思所描述的一种异化形式。很明显,查理处于一个非功能性资本主义制度的中心,这个制度继续在不同层面剥削工人(Nava和O’shea, 1996)。当查理意识到监狱可以为他提供一个更好的环境时,剥削的程度让他无法忍受。他希望回到监狱,而不是醒来到工厂报到。监狱代表着一个囚犯没有任何自由感的地方。当查理解释说他更喜欢监狱而不是他在工厂的工作时,他暗示工作环境只会剥削他。阶级斗争严重的不公平制度不能满足员工的需要(Greene, 2010)。许多雇员选择忍受不公平的制度。社会的上层阶级对工人的需要漠不关心。《摩登时代》和《兰格先生的罪行》都是提供阶级批判的电影。正如上面所强调的,这两部电影展示了由资本家组成的上层阶级和由苦苦挣扎的工人阶级组成的下层阶级之间的阶级冲突(Greene, 2010)。正如资本主义社会所期望的那样,上层阶级利用工人阶级。在兰格看来,巴塔拉是贪婪资本家的代表,而兰格则是剥削的受害者之一。同样,在卓别林的电影中,查理也是被剥削的受害者。很明显,工人阶级的选择是有限的,因为他们远离了工作的意义。缺乏社会交往是导致疏远的另一个方面(Nava和O’shea, 1996)。这两部电影都有助于更好地理解资本主义制度下的阶级斗争。在每一部电影中,都有证据表明资本主义社会以牺牲工人利益为代价来追求利润最大化。报酬很少,而资本家从劳动过程中得到的报酬比例最高。很明显,卓别林在他的社会批判中采用了更直接的方法。卓别林用直截了当的方式展示了资本主义社会如何不假思索地剥削工人。
新西兰电影assignment代写 《摩登时代》《兰格先生的罪行》
Additionally, the factory owners alienated the employees from their colleagues. The elimination of the lunch hour had a negative impact on the employees. They would no longer be able to socialise without limitations from their employer. The lack of interactions at the workplace demonstrates a form of alienation that Karl Marx described. It is explicit that Charlie was at the centre of a non-functional capitalist system that continued to exploit workers at different levels (Nava and O’Shea, 1996). The level of exploitation became unbearable for Charlie when he recognised that prison cells could provide him with a better environment. He wished he returned to jail than to wake up and report at the factory. A jail represents a place where prisoners do not experience any sense of freedom. When Charlie explains that he prefers the jail to his job at the factory, he implies that the working environment only serves to exploit him. The unfair system with serious class struggles cannot meet the needs of the employees (Greene, 2010). Many of the employees opt to put up with the unfair system. The upper class of society demonstrates a lack of concern for the needs of the workers. Both Modern Times and The Crime of Mr Lange are movies that provide a class critique. As highlighted above, the two movies demonstrate the class conflict between the upper class comprising capitalists and the lower class comprising the struggling working class (Greene, 2010). The upper class takes advantage of the working class as is expected in a capitalist society. For Lange, Batala serves as the representation of greedy capitalists while Lange is one of the victims of exploitation. Similarly, Charlie is a victim of exploitation in Chaplin’s movie. It is clear that the working class has limited choices because of the alienation from the meaning of their work. The lack of social interaction is an additional aspect that fosters alienation (Nava and O’Shea, 1996). Both movies help in developing a better appreciation of the class struggles in a capitalist system. In each of the movies, there is evidence that the capitalist society engages in profit maximisation at the expense of the workers. The compensation is minimal, and the capitalists enjoy the highest percentage of the rewards from the labour process. It is apparent that Chaplin adopts a more direct approach in his social critique. Chaplin uses a straightforward approach to demonstrate how capitalist society exploits workers without a second thought.