新西兰作业代写 精神健康

2020-03-26 02:30

最高法院是涉及所有最高法律的案件的最终法官,这是宪法。最高法院对它选择审理的案件有很高的选择性,只受理通过下级法院和上诉程序处理的案件。他们处理过许多有关精神健康问题的案件。这些问题符合《第十四修正案》和“在美国出生或归化并受其管辖的所有人都是美国公民及其居住国公民”的权利。任何州不得制定或执行任何剥夺美国公民特权或豁免权的法律;未经正当法律程序,任何州也不得剥夺任何人的生命、自由或财产;也不否认在其管辖范围内的任何人受到法律的平等保护。”(第十四修正案的条款)有几个最高法院的案件,如阿克诉俄克拉荷马州,克拉克诉亚利桑那州,扬贝格诉罗密欧,描述了精神病犯罪是如何审查的。格伦伯顿阿克闯入了理查德牧师的家B、 道格拉斯。他勒死了他、他的妻子和他们的两个孩子,把他们按在地板上。克拉克开枪打死道格拉斯夫妇,打伤了两个孩子。在审判当天,阿克的行为非常怪异,法官下令进行精神病检查,“目的是就他对被告是否需要延长精神观察期的印象向法院提出建议。”(美国最高法院阿克诉俄克拉荷马(1985年))。他被一位精神病学家发现,他声称“阿克是个精神病患者。他的精神病诊断是偏执型精神分裂症-慢性,恶化,即目前的心烦意乱,此外。他很危险。[B] 由于他精神疾病的严重性,以及他愤怒的程度,控制力差,妄想症,他需要一个最大限度的安全设施在-我相信-国家精神病院系统。
新西兰作业代写 精神健康
The Supreme Court is the final judge in cases involving the highest law of all, being the Constitution. The Supreme Court is highly selective about which cases it chooses to consider, and only accepts cases that have been dealt with through the lower courts and appeals process. There have been numerous cases they have dealt with regarding mental health issues. These issues correspond with the Fourteenth Amendment and the right to “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”(THE CLAUSES OF THE FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT) There have been several Supreme Court cases such as Ake v. Oklahoma, Clark v. Arizona, and Youngberg v. Romeo that has portrayed how mental illness crimes are examined.Glen Burton Ake broke into the home of Reverend Richard B. Douglass. He strangled him, his wife and their two children and pinned them to the floor. Clark shot Mr. and Mrs.Douglass and injured both kids. On the day of his trial Ake’s behavior was so bizarre that the judge ordered a psychiatric examination “for the purpose of advising with the Court as to his impressions of whether the Defendant may need an extended period of mental observation.” (United States Supreme Court AKE v. OKLAHOMA, (1985)). He was detected by an examiner psychiatrist who claimed that “[Ake] is a psychotic . . . his psychiatric diagnosis was that of paranoid schizophrenia – chronic, with exacerbation, that is with current upset, and that in addition . . . he is dangerous. . . . [B]ecause of the severity of his mental illness and because of the intensities of his rage, his poor control, his delusions, he requires a maximum security facility within – I believe – the State Psychiatric Hospital system.