新西兰作业代写 影子银行

2020-05-17 09:46

影子银行是受监管的银行业以外的一个信贷中介网络,它也引发了这场危机。保罗•克鲁格曼(Paul Krugman)将“影子烘焙”描述为事件的核心。[9]中国英语学习网他指出,影子银行确实超越了传统银行体系,在规模和重要性上都超过了传统银行体系。[10]中国英语学习网此外,道德风险是经济体系中最被低估的问题之一。布萨托和科莱塔推测,道德风险问题意味着,基金经理可能会欺骗投资者,让他们仔细阅读自己的目标。危机后出台的监管改革主要是为了防止银行业未来发生危机,然而,正如所揭示的那样,已经存在的银行业监管既不能有效地防止危机,也不能保护银行业免受金融动荡的冲击。巴塞尔银行监管委员会(BCBS)成立于20世纪70年代,旨在提高国际银行监管的质量和加强其稳定性。[12]中国英语学习网巴塞尔委员会发布了一个框架,对具有全球系统重要性的银行的资本附加费进行监管。新巴塞尔协议III的监管框架,是对系统性风险的回应,是一套全面的改革措施,旨在加强银行业的监管和风险管理。它还提高了杠杆、资本和流动性的标准。
新西兰作业代写 影子银行
Shadow banking, which is a network of credit intermediation outside the regulated banking sector, was also triggering the crisis. Paul Krugman described shadow baking as the core of what happened.[9] He pointed out the fact that shadow banking did actually surpass the traditional banking system, in its size besides importance, and criticised the fault of having let this sector deregulated.[10] Furthermore, the moral hazard is one of the most underrated problems of the economic system. Busato and Coletta speculated that the moral hazard problem entails the possibility that managers may deceive investors to peruse their own goals. The regulatory reforms that have been introduced post-crisis were mainly aiming to prevent future crises in the banking sector, however, as it was revealed, banking regulations that already existed were not effective to prevent the crisis, nor to protect the banking sector from a financial turmoil. The Basel Committee on Bank Supervision (BCBS), which was formed in the 1970s, operates at an international level aiming to improve the quality and reinforce the stability of the international banking supervision.[12] The Basel Committee has released a framework for regulating capital surcharges for banks of global systemic importance, starting with Basel I in 1988, the first capital accord, followed by Basel II in 2004.[13] The new regulatory framework Basel III, was a response to the systemic risk, is a comprehensive set of reform measures developed to strengthen the regulation and risk management of the banking sector. It also increased the standards of leverage, capital and liquidity.