
2017-05-18 00:17

现代性反映了资本主义,国家不为人民的教育争取社会平等,而是使国家经济繁荣。工业革命在某种程度上改变了人们对知识、教育和培训的看法,因为工人越来越熟练,阅读和写作的必要性是显而易见的。对大多数人来说,教育被视为少数特权阶级,直到第二次世界大战结束。本次教育是基于一三层系统,包括现代中学,语法和技术学校。大多数国家的教育都留给了教育机构的教师、教育者和负责人,政府和部长们没有参与“什么”和“如何”来教育孩子。受教育的时间会一直围绕着阅读,写作,算术,宗教教育和职业科目像木工、缝纫、和金属制品。这也反映了传统教育观而不是现代主义方法。虽然走向现代性已经开始,许多学校仍然传统上围绕教堂。凯莉,V(1994,P24)认为,在大多数社会中故意试图用教育体系促进社会政治价值观和宗教价值观的某些种类太多,因为它是平原,教育供给多年来教会发展的巨大贡献,以及他们在学校和学院的规划与管理的密切参与。这些学生不离开学校没有资格但可能被授予学校成果证书。教育进展到1950的普通教育水平资格证书和一般的高级水平资格进入主流教育。根据资格及课程发展局,中等教育证书(CSE)在1960推出,以应付更广泛的学生。这背后的原因是,大多数学生无法完成的精英O水平和水平,因为考试和过程太深远的普通儿童。自从丘吉尔政府引入1944教育法案以来,直到Margaret Thatcher政府的引入,对教育体系的现代主义态度才有所改变。
Modernity mirrored capitalism and the state did not strive for the education of the masses to gain social equality but to make the country prosper economically. The industrial revolution went some way to change ideas about knowledge, education, and training as workers were becoming more skilled and the necessity to read and write was apparent. For the majority of people, education was seen to be for the privileged few, up until the end of the Second World War. Education of this time was based on a three tier system that included Secondary Moderns, Grammar and Technical Schools. The education of the majority of the nation was left down to the teachers, educators, and heads of the educational institution, government and ministers were not involved in the "what" and "how "to teach children. The education of the time would have been based around reading, writing, arithmetic, religious education and vocational subjects like woodwork, needlework, and metalwork. This would have reflected a traditionalist view of education rather than a modernist approach. While the move towards modernity had begun, many schools still remained traditionally based around the church. Kelly, V (1994, p24) argues.'In most societies deliberate attempts are made to use the educational system to promote certain kinds of social and political values- and religious values too, since it is plain that the massive contribution of the churches development of education al provision over the years, along with their close involvement in the planning and management of schools and colleges.These students would not have left school without a qualification but may have been awarded a certificate of school achievement. As education progressed into the 1950's The General Certificate of Education Ordinary level qualifications and the Advanced GCE level qualification were introduced into mainstream education. According to the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency, the Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) was introduced in the 1960's to cater for a wider spectrum of students. The reasons behind this was that the majority of students were not able to complete the elitist O Levels and A Levels, as the examinations and processes were too far reaching for the ordinary child. The modernistic approach towards education system had not changed since the introduction of the 1944 Education Act under Churchill's Government, until the introduction of the Margaret Thatcher Government in 1979.