
2018-03-09 17:49

从这次活动中,我发现了在团队中工作的优势。在讲课过程中,Vedha先生解释说,团队是“一群致力于明确目标的人,他们将自己定位为一个团队,并分享一些共同的价值观”。当时间和资源有限时,良好的团队合作是有效完成某项任务的关键。团队可以被看作是一种管理策略,包括技能、知识和经验,以及发展个人和组织。有不同类型的团队。我们组没有任命任何领导人,我们也有责任为这次活动共同努力。因此,我们的团队被认证为自我管理团队,因为我们每个人都对个人的表现负责。根据O'Connell, Doverspike和Cober(2002)的说法,自我管理的工作团队的特点是,团队成员有责任承担工作过程的质量,并在团队的管理中分享。卡茨和卡恩(1978)认为,当团队自愿自发地分享自己的目标和领导时,通过增加承诺、个人和组织资源来承担复杂的任务,可以为组织提供竞争优势。
From this activity, I discovered the advantage of work in a team.During lecture, Mr. Vedha had explained team is 'a group of people working towards a clear set of objectives who identify themselves as a team and share a number of common values'. When time and resources are limited, a good teamwork is a key success for finish a certain task effectively. Teams can be seen as a management strategy for the combination of skills, knowledge, and experience as well as developing the individual and the organisation.There are various types of teams. Our group did not appointed any leader and we take own responsibility to work together for this activity. Consequently, our group is verified as self managed team because everyone of us is accountable for individual performance.According to O'Connell, Doverspike and Cober (2002), self-managed work team is characterized by members who responsibility for taking the quality of the work process and sharing in the management of the team. As well Katz and Kahn (1978) suggested that when team voluntarily and spontaneously shared their own goals and leadership, can provide an organizational with competitive advantage through increase in commitment, personal and organizational resources brought to bear on complex tasks.