
2018-05-28 14:45

视频游戏产业已经超过30年了。在那个时候,计算机技术已经有了很好的发展。计算机和电子游戏的卓越地位在20世纪80年代得到了明显的认可。1979年,“太空入侵者”的到来,使电脑游戏成为大众关注的焦点。到1981年,随着许多新游戏进入市场,没有任何游戏能征服这个领域,直到太空入侵者变得过时。越来越多的电脑游戏使人们对其产生了一定的研究关注。然而,有一段时间,市场上充斥着大量的游戏,公众也失去了购买这些游戏的兴趣。在20世纪80年代后期,日本任天堂系统的诞生开始了销量的上升。“在1991年,经济学人信息部(Economist Intelligence Unit)指出,与电视机相连的游戏机在英国的销量增长了200%,而手持游戏的销量增长了700%。”家庭办公室研究、发展和统计理事会(。根据在这一领域开展的研究表明,在小学和初中人群中,女孩玩电脑和电子游戏的平均时间为5.5小时/周,男孩平均每周玩13个小时。这显示了性别对游戏的歧视。不久前,《华尔街日报》(the Wall Street Journal)报道称,有几家公司已经开始为学龄前儿童设计视频游戏机。
The video game industry is now over 30 years old. In that time, computer technology has improved at a promising rate. The eminence of computers and video games was clearly recognized in the 1980s. The arrival of 'Space Invaders' in 1979 saw computer games become renowned to a mass audience. By 1981, no game has subjugated the field as many new games have emerged into the market, till the Space Invaders became outmoded. The mounting fame of computer games inspired a certain amount of research attention in their effects. While, there was an instant where the market got overcrowded with tons of games and the public had lost their interest in buying them. In the late 1980's, the arrival of the Japanese Nintendo system had started the sales to rise. "In 1991, the Economist Intelligence Unit noted that UK sales of console games connected to televisions increased by 200 per cent and sales of hand held games had risen by 700 percent." Home Office Research, Development and Statistics Directorate (.According to the Research studies that have been carried out in this field have proven that among elementary and middle-school populations, girls play computer and video games for an average of about 5.5 hours/week and boys play on an average of 13 hours/week. This shows the discrimination of gender towards game playing. Some time ago it was also reported by the Wall Street Journal that several companies have now started designing video game consoles for preschoolers.