
2017-05-01 02:37

Although ratings across all areas were high for all groups, it was found that senior management rated their knowledge of the structure of The Meadows and involvement in shaping service delivery as highest across most categories. Teaching staff rated second highest across the same areas and external agencies rated lowest across these areas. This suggests that external agencies perceive they have the lowest understanding of The Meadows's curriculum, the least opportunities for joint planning and training delivery and the least input into future service delivery. Qualitative responses on the questionnaires from professionals employed by external agencies suggest that time constraints are the main reason for the lack of involvement in joint planning and training.Additionally, during interviews, some staff reported that some MAPs do not have a clear understanding of The Meadows's thematic curriculum, which leads to them to suggest additional targets which are ill-fitting with the curriculum targets already in place. It was felt this often puts increasing demands on teaching staff who are responsible for implementing targets suggested by external agencies.