
2017-05-24 00:51

This is also yet another issue that tend to affect many of us young teachers and that needs to be addressed. The consequences of teaching how we ourselves were taught can be both positive and negative. The general view we tend to hold is that if we are or were being taught in a certain manner, then it must be the absolute and correct way in which we should teach our own students. The catch lies in the fact that if we had good educators who nurtured our passions and encouraged the development and cultivation of artistic, aesthetic, and cultural intelligence in dance, who married both technical and performance aspects of dance, then this method would be more or less harmless if we in turn decided to teach our students in this manner as well. However, if we had teachers who taught us without any regard whatsoever for artistic merit and kinesthetic sensibilities, who, according to Rand in Reading 2, were monsters who created automated students, then this would be the wrong way to go and the outcome would be batches of students who would not be able to widen their perspectives and think for themselves, who would follow mindlessly and not experience the absolute 'joyous spontaneity' (Noverre) of the art of dancing. In addition, if we do not try or attempt to develop our own methods of teaching - by drawing upon all the positive and effective methods which we have experienced throughout our years of dancing and learning dance, there may be many loopholes in our teaching methods and the students in turn will not be able to get the most out of their dance education process. We, as dance educators, have to and should bear in mind that even teaching dance is a form of art that we should approach with much sensitivity, care, knowledge, and delicacy in order to create the most meaningful learning environment for our students.