
2017-07-10 20:11

专业发展是教师必须要有权,如在城市地区教师获得专业发展的机会比较少,从农村表明歧视点意义和否定平等机会的概念教师分配机会均等的概念(Suleyman萨迪2001 p117)在他的研究中说,“结果表明,农村教师在获得比城市教师在职培训活动”是不幸的。(Dr.Nabi Bux Jumani 2007)说:“在教育的质量和卓越的水平取决于教师的素质和能力。通过精心的教师培训,合格的教师才有可能。一个教师在理论和实践的训练,它成为必不可少的,培训应该让他们做有挑战性的工作”。奥克兰代写作业:概念教师分配机会.良好的教学还包括教师的风格,因为他是执行管理角色当他集学习活动和他管理课堂(Shaukat Hussain 2004 P-20)描述的教学风格是一个复杂的信念、态度、策略、方法、动机汞齐,人格和控制。教学风格是教学与学习者人际关系的核心。然而,教学风格背后是一系列基本因素。这些涉及到;
The professional development is right of teachers and there must be equal opportunity concept for distribution of rights such as teachers in urban areas get few professional development opportunities as compare to teachers from the rural areas which show little bit sense of discrimination and a denial to equal opportunity concept as (Suleyman Sadi 2001 p117) in his research study said, "The results show that rural schoolteachers have been less fortunate in having access to in-service training activities than urban schoolteachers".(Dr.Nabi Bux Jumani 2007) said "the quality and the level of excellence in education depend upon the quality and competence of teachers. The competent teacher is possible through a careful program of teacher training. A teacher is trained in both theory and practice and it becomes essential that training should equip them to do a challenging job".Good teaching also includes teacher's style because he is performing a role of manager when he sets learning activities and he manages the classroom as (Shaukat Hussain 2004 P-20) described that teaching style is a complex amalgam of belief, attitude, strategy, technique, motivation, personality and control. Teaching style lies at the heart of the interpersonal relationships between teaching and learners. However a basic set of factors lies behind teaching style. These relate to;