
2017-09-09 21:36

学校是全世界青年最普遍的社会化场所。在这方面,学校容易受到青年帮派的影响和影响,尤其是在美国。统计数字表明,约有24%的公立学校学生报告他们的个别学校有青年帮派的存在(史米斯,2011)。最近的调查显示,超过45%的高中学生承认校园里有活跃的青年帮派。实证研究也表明,集团业务在城市的学校比郊区的学校更普遍(Mayer和弗朗,2010)。然而,近几年来,郊区学校的帮派行动以惊人的速度增长。令人感到不安的是,学者、教育管理人员和安全机构低估了这些统计数字的含义。可以说,这些利益相关者对年轻帮派的重视程度很低,因为缺乏明确的评估青年团伙要素的标准。不愿通知学校岗操作率已归因于问题的公众认知和政治化的恐惧。在社区青年团伙的存在对在校的孩子们严重的问题。报告显示,学校形成合适的理由招聘、恐吓、吹嘘(史米斯,2011;豪厄尔,2007)。同意这场辩论中,Mayer和弗朗(2010)补充说,帮派活动的理念创造了一个焦虑和不符合环境。恐惧和不干扰课堂秩序和减少非港学生学业成绩。毫无疑问,在学校的青年团伙的存在破坏了学习环境,灌输恐惧的学生和教育工作者之间,以及增加的暴力在学校账户。研究表明,年轻的帮派活动呈正增长的欺凌事件,暴力和恐吓,在学校(奥唐奈Egley &豪厄尔,2009)。史密斯(2011)也报告了帮派的存在和学校里枪支和毒品的可得性之间的密切联系。在青少年帮派盛行的学校,学生携带武器的案件以及学生提供非法药物的报告更为猖獗。因此,有经营青年团伙的学校的暴力被害率要高于没有帮派的学校。
Schools are some of the most common socialization places for the youth across the world. In this respect, schools are vulnerable to incidences and effects of youth gangs, especially in the United States. Statistics indicate that about 24% of all public-school students report the presence of youth gangs in their individual schools (Smith, 2011). Recent surveys reveal that more than 45% of high school students acknowledge the existence of active youth gangs in their campuses. Empirical studies also demonstrate that group operations are more pervasive in urban schools than suburban schools (Mayer & Furlong, 2010). However, gang operations in suburban schools have been growing at an alarming pace over the recent years. It is disturbing to note that scholars, education administrators, and security agencies have underestimated the implication of these statistics. Arguably, these stakeholders have shown little seriously about young gangs due to lack of well-defined criteria for assessing the elements of a youth gang. The reluctance to notice the prevalence of gang operations in schools have been attributed to the fear of public perception and politicization of the issue.The presence of youth gangs in communities poses serious problems for school going children. Reports show that schools form suitable grounds for recruitment, intimidation, and boasting (Smith, 2011; Howel, 2007). Concurring with this debate, Mayer, and Furlong (2010) added that the idea of gang activity creates an environment of anxiety and incompliance. Fear and incompliance interferes with classroom order and reduces the academic performance of non-gang students. Undoubtedly, the existence of youth gangs in schools disrupts the learning environment, inculcates fear among students and educators, and accounts for increased violence in schools. Research shows that young gang activity is positively associated with the increasing episodes of bullying, violence, and intimidation in schools (O'Donnell, Egley & Howell, 2009). Smith (2011) also reported a strong correlation between the existence of gangs and the availability of guns and drugs in schools. Cases of students having weapons, as well as, students' reports of availability of illicit drugs are more rampant in schools where youth gangs are prevalent. Therefore, violent victimization rates are higher in schools with operational youth gangs than in schools without gangs.