
2017-09-12 01:54

坦比拉贾等人(2008)-大多数孩子和年轻人通过偶然的,在学校在学校事业的一些点和临时不出席罕见。学校出勤率(儿童可在家接受教育,如果由LEA教育主任批准)在英国是16岁以下的年轻人义务(不满18岁的年轻人必须在某种教育、培训或工作)。就学问题目前是在学校激烈活动的焦点,执法机关和新闻。媒体最近的兴趣在儿童和年轻人从学校家庭假日的去除。这一点,直到最近,导致了这些孩子的父母/照顾者罚款。长期拒绝上学一直用来指那些不愿意或无法参加情绪原因儿童组(坦比拉贾et al,2008)。坦比拉贾et al(2008)阐明了用于描述不同群体的儿童不能上学,不同的条款,这些条款都是基于核心特征为他们目前的部门和人员,了解包括;逃学,父母的纵容下,学校恐惧症,分离焦虑和拒绝上学。官方数据不采取拒绝上学的考虑,因此没有官方的问题程度的评估。还有这很专业和教师意识到这是由于问题;对程度和拒绝上学的影响认识不足,在区分学校拒绝从其他组的困难,这些孩子的不可见性,不包括医疗条件,埋怨父母。卡恩和nursten(1968)还提供了一个可能导致拒绝上学的心理社会问题的深度分析。
Thambirajah et al (2008) - Most children and young people go through occasional, infrequent and temporary non-attendance in school at some point in their school career. School attendance (children can be educated at home if approved by the LEA education officer) in the UK is compulsory for all young people under the age of 16 (young people under 18 have to be in some sort of Education, Training or Work). The issue of school attendance is currently at the focus of intense activity in schools, LEAs and the press. The most recent media interest surrounds the removal of children and young people from school for family holidays. This, until recently, resulted in fines given to parents/carers of these children. The term school refusal has been used to refer to the group of children who are reluctant to or fail to attend school for emotional reasons (Thambirajah et al, 2008). Thambirajah et al, (2008) clarifies the different terms used to describe different groups of children who fail to attend school, these terms are based around the core characteristics as they are currently understood by authorities and researchers and include; truancy, parentally condoned absence, school phobia, separation anxiety and school refusal. Official figures do not take school refusal into account and therefore there are no official estimates of the extent of the problem. As well as this it is hard for professionals and teachers to be aware of the problem this is due to; lack of awareness of the extent and impact of school refusal, difficulties in distinguishing school refusal from other groups, invisibility of these children, excluding medical conditions, blaming parents. Kahn and Nursten (1968) also provide an in depth analysis of the psychosocial problems that can lead to school refusal.