
2018-08-04 22:14

美国人花在教育子女上的钱比大多数其他国家的公民多;事实上,只有挪威在教育上的人均投入高于挪威。然而,在学生表现方面,美国排名并不比平均水平高,直接排在发达国家的中间。不断增加的政府债务和学生表现不佳导致一些人呼吁削减学校资金。近年来,飞速增长的州和联邦债务水平导致一些政客支持削减教育预算。保守的政客们发誓要从教育部成立之日起就将其废除,他们认为学校教育是各州和地方政府必须解决的问题,税收可以用在其他地方。另一个旨在减少政府开支的策略是限制公共雇员工会的权利,特别是教师工会的权利。2011年,威斯康辛州州长斯科特·沃克(Scott Walker)提出了一项法案,试图废除教师和其他公职人员集体为自己的工资和福利讨价还价的权利。这是一种减少国家成本和帮助缩小预算差距的方法。当前公立学校体系的批评者认为,尽管近几十年来投入了大量的教育资金,但公立学校在教育美国儿童方面做得越来越差。例如,华盛顿特区拥有最高的每名学生资助率,但学生表现却低于平均水平。公立学校的拥护者指出,目前公立学校系统的大部分开支都用于行政费用;他们断言,如果联邦政府和州政府减少学区被迫遵守的规章和政策的数量,省下来的钱就可以花在提高师生比例和购买必要的教室用品上,比如教科书——这些地方被证明可以直接影响学生的表现.
Americans spend more to educate their children than the citizens of most other countries; in fact, only Norway spends more per capita on education. Yet when it comes to student performance, the United States ranks no better than average, resting directly in the middle of the pack of developed nations. Rising government debts and lack of improved student performance have led some to call for cutbacks in school funding. In recent years, skyrocketing state and federal debt levels have led some politicians to support cuts in the educational budget. Conservative politicians have vowed to eliminate the Department of Education ever since its creation, arguing that schooling is an issue for states and local governments to handle, and that tax dollars could be better spent elsewhere. Another strategy aimed at reducing government spending is the restriction of public employee union rights, particularly those of teachers' unions. "In 2011, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker introduced a bill that sought to eliminate the right of teachers and other public employees to collectively bargain for their salary and benefits. This was presented as a way to reduce state costs and to help close the budget gap. Critics of the current public school system have argued that, despite massive education spending in recent decades, public schools are doing a progressively worse job of educating American children. For example, Washington, DC, boasts one of the highest per-student school funding rates, yet scores below average on student performance. Public school advocates point out that much of the current spending in the public school system goes toward administrative costs; if the federal and state governments reduced the number of regulations and policies that school districts are forced to follow, they assert, the money saved could be spent on improving the teacher-to-student ratio and purchasing necessary classroom supplies such as textbooks-areas proven to directly impact student performance