
2017-02-04 15:10

雷曼兄弟倒闭后,跨国银行贷款收缩。Banks曾写下自己的短期金融资产的长期债务和传播这些冲击国外通过限制贷款(波波夫,2010;De Haas和德尔,Neeltje,2012)。破产的影响在世界各地传播,就像一种传染病,使其他金融机构遭受。中央银行和联邦储备委员会降低利率后,但没有任何帮助。雷曼兄弟倒闭后,投资者追逐政府债券,使得美国美元兑欧元和日元下跌。这加深了危机。我们在全球金融危机中从银行学到的教训很多。保持你的投资稳定,不要投资太复杂的工具,即使你不明白。注意风险,不要高估历史的能力和经验。至于金融体系,传染风险要求政府和其他全球性机构的干预。而金融市场的信心意味着很多,不能很快恢复。


After the breakdown of Lehman Brothers, multinational bank lending contracted. Banks had to write down their short term assets to finance the long term debts and transmitted these shocks abroad by curtailing the lending (Popov, and Udell, 2010; De Haas and Neeltje, 2012). The impacts of bankruptcy transmit around the world, like a contagious disease, which made other financial institutions suffer. Central banks and Federal Reserve reduced the interest rates after that but showed no help at all. And after the demise of Lehman Brothers, investors run after the government treasury bonds which made the US dollar fell against the euro and the yen. This deepened the crisis.
The lessons we learn from banks in the global financial crisis are a lot. Keeping your investment stable and don’t invest in too complex instruments even you don’t understand. And paying attention to the risks and don’t overestimate the ability and experience learned from history. As for the financial system, the contagion risk asks for the interventions from governments and other global institutions. And the confidence of the financial market means a lot and cannot be quickly restored.