
2017-10-04 15:24

在过去的50年里,英语教学经历了一系列的转变,从语法转换到直接的方法,从听古语到认知代码,再到各种不同的变化。近年来,英语教学中最具实质性的转变是通过一系列的实践、材料和关于教学和学习的信念,这些都是由许多不同的名字所知道的,比如交流方法、交际语言教学和交际方法(理查兹和Rodgers,1986)。同时,英语教学方法正在经历另一种转变。这种转变,经常被称为“后法”(Kumaravadivelu,2001),在教师思维领域的研究自20世纪80年代以来迅速发展,其结果是文学的巨大,而且往往集中在教学的特定方面。然而,对教师隐含的教学与学习理论的研究,尤其是对认识论和教学信念的研究,与语言教学研究(Kagan,1992a;Pajares 1992)。原因是:首先,教育信念已经影响了教学实践(Kagan 1992a)和学习成果。第二,用于调查信仰和/或概念、教学实践和分析数据的方式的方法是有兴趣的。
In the past 50 years alone, English language teaching has gone through a whirlwind of transitions in its methodology, from grammar translation to direct method, to audiolingualism, to cognitive code, and a host of variations in each. In recent years, the most substantive transition in English language teaching has taken place through a collection of practices, materials, and beliefs about teaching and learning that are known by many different names, e.g. communicative methodology, communicative language teaching, and the communicative approach (Richards and Rodgers, 1986). Contemporarily, English teaching methodology is going through yet another transition. This transition, frequently referred to as the `post method' condition (Kumaravadivelu, 2001),Research in the area of teacher thinking has grown rapidly particularly since the 1980s, with the consequence that the literature is vast and is often focused on very specific aspects of teaching. Nevertheless, the research concerned with teachers' implicit theories of teaching and learning, particularly concerned with epistemological and pedagogical beliefs is of considerable relevance to research in language teaching (Kagan, 1992a; Pajares 1992). The reasons are: first, educational beliefs have shown to influence teaching practice (Kagan 1992a) and learning outcomes. Second, methods used to investigate relationship between beliefs and/or conceptions and teaching practice and the ways of analyzing data, are of interest.