
2017-04-17 00:26

Education has always been recognised as an important component in a prisoner's rehabilitation. The statistics clearly show that many lack even minimal levels of education and improving these should help in obtaining employment. Indeed, levels of education have been increasing, The Social Exclusion Unit (2002), for example, found that the number of hours that prisoners spent in education had doubled between 1998 and 2000. The HCHAC (2004) states that the Prison Service has generally reached its targets with regards to education but that there have been significant criticisms of the way in which these targets have been reached. The Prison Service has tended to concentrate on basic aspects of literacy and numeracy, bringing those offenders with the lowest levels of education up to the minimum standards. For those aiming to achieve higher qualifications, though, there is less availability. With the continuing importance of high levels of education in the majority of the sectors of the employment market, this will create many problems for offenders leaving prison. Again, prison transfers are blamed by the HCHAC (2004) for disruption caused to the training and education programmes of many prisoners. Other problems that are addressed include poor co-ordination between prisons after transfers, little evaluation of education programmes, the variability of education programmes between prisons and a failure to effectively match needs to the available resources.