
2017-09-07 18:18

在我的七年经验作为我的中学的IT教师的基础上的第二个例子的技术在课堂上的功效。我的班级是完全在线和无纸的,基于一个wiki网站,学生登录到访问课程计划,作业和资源,以及实时聊天,彼此或与我。使用各种Web 2工具在我的wiki,和思维导图,沃基,漫画软件(等等),学生挑战,发展解决问题的能力来浏览界面和软件以及协同工作的开放式作业。以我的经验,对网络环境下激发学生学习,也许是因为技术消除了“一刀切”的学习方式,满足个性化需求的定制内容和学习方式。今天的学生不能有效地教与笔和纸只。这些过时的技术虽然几十年前可能完全可以接受,但却不能反映出二十一世纪学习者的现实或需要。作为教学和学习的工具,技术现代化的教室,将它们转换为空间,更好地反映今天的学习者的日常生活和他们所需要的技能,打造明天。正如我们永远不会想到今天要求学生写一篇关于石碑的论文一样,我们也不能忽视各种技术工具对学习者的学习和参与的必要性。
A second example of the efficacy of technology in the classroom is a personal one based on my seven-year experience as the IT teacher at my middle school. My class is completely online and paperless, based in a wiki website where students log in to access lesson plans, assignments and resources, as well as chat in real time with each other or with me. Using a variety of web 2.0 tools on my wiki, and mind-mapping, VOKI, and comic software (to name a few), students are challenged to develop problem-solving skills to both navigate the interface and software as well as work collaboratively on open-ended assignments. In my experience, the presence of the online environment motivates students to learn, perhaps mostly because the technology eliminates a one-size-fits-all approach to learning and customizes content to meet individual needs and learning's students cannot effectively be taught with pen and paper only. These dated technologies, while perhaps perfectly acceptable several decades ago, do not reflect the realities or needs of 21st century learners. As a teaching and learning tool, technology modernizes classrooms, transforming them into spaces that better reflect the day-to-day lives of today's learners and the skills they need to build for tomorrow. Just as we would never think of asking a student today to write a paper on a stone tablet, so too can we not ignore the necessity of various technological tools in making learning relevant and engaging for today's learners.