
2017-09-25 00:00

However, Cunningham argues that it was never Marcuse's intention to develop his theory, whilst navel gazing inside an ivory tower. Rather critical theory in education should move students to pierce through the institutional walls and function as actualised praxis, the congruence of theory and action. Cunningham uses Marcuse's own words from 1968, 'By its own inner dynamic, education thus leads beyond the classroom, beyond the university, into the political dimension and in to the moral, instinctual dimension' (his italics). An inner revolution is a precursor to outer revolution and dialectical critique is the key to the liberation which will nurture that inner revolution.Marcuse looked beyond labour itself to find the causes of what he thought was creating a one dimensional society: he argued that technology, the media and a converging standardisation of values coupled with an unending stream of 'must have' commodities combine to attack an individual's authenticity. Reason is usurped by technological rationality and our critical senses are dulled, making us, as Marcuse argued, disinterested in or even hostile to dissent. Cunningham carefully traces how the ripe revolutionary potential of the 1960's has come under the control of capital, as Marcuse predicted might be the case.