
2017-10-02 23:06

结果表明,写作成绩直接关系到学生的年级水平以及他们对写作的看法和态度。因此,努森(1995)报道,学生积极的写作态度不论年龄和性别往往是更好的作家。另一方面,关于年级和性别以及他们与写作成绩的关系,研究人员还报告说,尤其是年龄较大的学生和女性更倾向于成为熟练作家,尤其是年轻作家和男性。有趣的是,努森(1995)声称,她进行的问卷调查和测量学生的写作态度的变化作为一个结果,在课堂上他们学习采访具体的写作策略。因此,4年级的学生为例,能说他们在写如规划,组织过程中采用的策略和目标设定。因此,研究人员得出结论,过程写作教学法在写作教学中变得越来越普遍,学生在写前活动,这一策略是语言表达的参与者为“规划整个构图”,起草,表达了采访的学生”的思想内容和离开”,除了修改,语言表达通过Knudson的参与者为“确保他们留在话题”(Knudson,1995,p. 94)。这些结果与什么Knudson一致(1991)建议她在发展她的写作态度量表当时的过程时。因此,她建议,“这对于研究者来说,项目评估是有用的,和研究人员评估儿童的写作态度和对他们的态度,教学效果等处理,等级,和时间的测量”(Knudson,1991,p. 814)。直接关联,Graham,Berninger,和风机,(2007)研究了动机的一个方面;具体而言,态度的年轻作家,开始。研究对象为128名一年级学生(70名女性和58名男性)和113名第三年级学生(57名女性和56名男性),他们是以英语为母语的学生。父母的教育水平作为社会经济地位以及。学生的写作水平平均为。
Results indicated that writing achievement was directly related to students’ grade level as well as their perceptions and attitudes towards writing. Hence, Knudson (1995) reported that students who have positive attitudes towards writing regardless of age and gender tend to be better writers. On the other hand, concerning grade level and gender and their relation to writing achievement, the researcher also reported that older students and females in particular have a better inclination towards becoming proficient writers that younger writers and males in particular. What is interesting is that Knudson (1995) claimed that the questionnaires and interviews she conducted also measured how students’ attitudes towards writing changes as a result of specific writing strategies they learner in class. Hence, students in grade 4 for example were able to verbalize the process strategies they used in writing such as planning, organizing, and goal setting. So, the researcher concluded that the process writing approach became more prevalent in writing instruction where students engage in prewriting activities and this strategy was verbalized by the participants as “planning the entire composition”, drafting which was voiced by the interviewed students as “thinking what to include and leave out”, in addition to revising which was verbalized by Knudson’s participants as “being sure they stayed on topic” (Knudson, 1995, p. 94). These results are consistent with what Knudson (1991) suggested when she was in the process of developing her writing attitude scales back then. Hence, she recommended that “it is useful for researchers, program evaluators, and researchers to assess children’s attitudes towards writing and the effect of instruction on their attitudes, including treatment, grade, and times of measurement” (Knudson, 1991, p. 814). Of direct relevancy, Graham, Berninger, and Fan, (2007) investigated one aspect of motivation; specifically, attitudes of young, beginning writers. The participants were 128 first grade level students (70 females and 58 males) and 113 third grade level students (57 females and 56 males) who were English language native speakers. The educational level of the parents was used as a socioeconomic status as well. The participants’ writing proficiency was average ranged.