
2018-12-09 16:42

There are few emotions and moods portrayed in this movie. Some of the emotions can be detected easily while some have requires an interpretation and deep understanding. There are emotions portrayed in this movie have high negative affect such as tense, and nervous. The first emotion that I would like to highlight first is tense. There were quiet a number of scene of beating violently. The first scene is when the new inmates broke into tears and plead to release him, the guards, drag him out of his cell and beats him till he dies. This scene is very emotional. There is also a scene where a man gets shot by the warden. This emotion was not so easy to perceived, as when the new inmates got beaten, the others can feel the sense of tense hearing him screaming for his life, though it does not show their expression directly, we know they acknowledge presence of tense by the look in their eyes.Emotion such as worry and suspend can also be found in this movie. The scene when the warden did a spot check in every cell to check if there is any illegal item they keep, when it was Andy turns, though he does not show it obviously, there is a presence of worry in him, worry that his illegal item will be found by the warden, the climax of this part is when the warden asked him for the book he holds, Andy then passed the book to warden, this is when Andy looks worried, because he may have hid his rock hammer inside the book, which he actually did, shown towards the end part of the movie.