
2019-01-02 00:40

性只是一种身体语言,以身体互动的形式存在于愿意互动的两个人之间,它会带来愉悦。它的背后也有着深刻的意义。o Elliston,“性比手臂和呻吟,爱抚和sighsa€¦就像口头语言维度的意义除了音素和词素,所以身体语言的意义超出了缠绕两bodiesa€¦滥交具有工具性价值,它可以促进身体的掌握一种languagea€¦性肢体语言是学会了通过性interactiona€¦经历使个体发展的手势交流欲望和感情和爱的决定性的动作显然状态的意图或娱乐。人们不仅可以移动的东西我们也由我们转载的东西他们说,对他们来说,或者主题€thema¦欲望和满足可以沟通不仅通过语言交流,也通过一个挥之不去的外观和感激地爱抚。一个破碎的自我身体拥抱可能比其口头表达更多的安慰,和亲吻可能雄辩地表达欲望超过请求或poemsa€¦仪式的礼仪是自我的确认。获得它是滥交提供的机会之一”(埃利斯顿149)。根据这句话,Elliston说性是肢体语言的一部分,你练习得越多,你就会得到更好的效果。你从乱交中获得的技巧将会扩大婚姻或承诺关系之外的人的范围。通常情况下,已婚夫妇会被认为只有一个男人可以和一个女人共进晚餐,这意味着只和伴侣发生性关系,也就是说,第三方(传统上)是不能接受的。埃利斯顿认为,在你决定是否爱一个人之前,你会先和一个人发生性关系。他基本上是在说,先做爱是检验对方的性技巧或性化学反应是否有助于你决定是否爱这个人的一个前期阶段。因此,埃利斯顿认为滥交应该被允许,不应该被认为是错误的,因为这是两人尝试的事情,看看是否有化学反应。
Sex is just a body language in the form of body interaction between the two people that are willing to interact and it leads to pleasure. It also has a deep meaning behind it. According o Elliston, “sex is more than thrusts and moans, caresses and sighs…just as verbal language has a dimension of meaning beyond phonemes and morphemes, so body language has a significance beyond the intertwining of two bodies…Promiscuity has instrumental value in that it can facilitate the mastery of one kind of body language…sexual body language is learned through sexual interaction…experiences enable an individual to develop a repertoire of gestures for communicating desire and affection and of decisive movements that clearly state intentions of love or amusement. People can be moved not only by the things we say but also by the things we do-with them, for them, or to them…desire and satisfaction can be communicated not only through verbal exchanges, but also through a lingering look and an appreciative caress. To a shattered ego a physical embrace may express far more reassurance than its verbal counterparts, and a kiss may convey desire more eloquently than pleas or poems…The observance of this etiquette is an acknowledgement of the selfhood of the other. The acquisition of it is one of the opportunities promiscuity provides”(Elliston 149). Based on this quote, Elliston is saying sex is a part of body language and the more you practice it the better you will get. The skills that you get from promiscuity will wider range of people outside of marriage or committed-relationships. Usually a married couple would be seen as only one man is allow to have dinner with one woman, which is referring to only having sex with the partner and that is it, third party is not acceptable (traditionally). Elliston sees having sex with one person at first before you decide to love that person or not. Pretty much he is saying having sex first will be a pre-stage of trying out whether the person’s sexual skill or chemistry from sexual intercourse will help you decide to love this person or not. Therefore Elliston is arguing that promiscuity should be allow and should not be seen as wrong because it is something for the two to try out and see if the chemistry is there.