
2019-09-07 18:20

多年来,执法部门对种族定性的做法越来越普遍。种族侧写是一种事件,由于基于种族或其他决定性因素的负面假设,一个人受到了不同于其他人的对待,或受到了比其他人更多的审视(Legewie, 2016)。丹尼尔和以斯拉都是警方侧写的受害者他们都被纽约警方拦截并搜查。他们都没有犯罪,也没有打算犯罪,但他们被挑出来是因为他们的长相。丹尼尔是非洲裔,他觉得自己成为攻击目标是因为他的肤色。然而,以斯拉认为这是必要的,同时同情警察的困境,他们的任务是确保每个人的安全。当局经常声称,停止搜查程序是随机进行的,但普遍的看法是,这种情况发生在特定群体的人身上的次数要多于其他人。警察执法部门给出的种族定性的主要原因是安全和公共保护(Briggs, 2014)。然而,问题仍然存在,执法部门是否有理由根据种族、宗教面貌或种族来对人进行定性?本文将探讨种族定性的道德问题。
Racial profiling has been an increasingly common occurrence by law enforcement authorities over the years. Racial profiling is an event where an individual is treated differently or scrutinized more than others due to negative assumptions arrived upon based on race or other determinant factors (Legewie, 2016). Daniel and Ezra are both victims of profiling by the police. They were both stopped and searched by police in New York city. None of them had committed any crime or intended to commit any crime, but they were singled out because of the way they looked. Daniel, who is of African origin, felt that he was targeted because of the color of his skin. Ezra however finds this to be necessary while sympathizing with the plight of the police who have the unenviable task of ensuring that everyone is safe. Authorities often claim that the stop-search routine is carried out randomly but the general opinion is that it happens to specific groups of people more than others. The reasons that are mostly given by police enforcement for racial profiling are safety, security and public protection (Briggs, 2014). The question however still remains, are law enforcement justified in profiling people based on their race, religion appearance or ethnicity? This paper will delve into the morality of racial profiling.