
2019-09-22 23:20

多元文化组织是一个在其愿景、使命、目标和价值观范围内,有明确的政策和实践的组织,旨在确保所有不同的工作人员感到充分的参与,并有每一个机会为实现组织的使命作出贡献(Jackson, 2006)。多元文化主义的定义和目标有一个共同的主线,那就是种族和民族应该得到关注(而不是被忽视),因为偏见的形成部分是因为对其他群体缺乏知识和尊重(Rosenthal & Levy, 2010)。这种方法包含了拥有不同文化/背景的想法,并使意识到工作场所的这些差异成为一种使命。多元文化计划的一些例子包括网络和指导项目,为人口弱势团体的员工提供额外的资源,企业员工背景庆祝“多样性日”,多样性午餐会,不同国家的食物,和培训班或研讨会,重点方面的多样性(史蒂文斯,Plaut &桑切斯,2008)。其他公司可能要求或强烈鼓励员工参加多元化培训,旨在减少偏见,提高非少数族裔员工的文化意识(Paluck, 2006)。虽然少数民族欣赏他们的文化和个人特点的价值,但非少数民族却发现这种方法的弱点。一项研究发现,作为潜在的求职者,当政策被明确界定为有利于少数群体时,非少数群体对晋升机会的积极态度和对组织的吸引力要低于政策被更广泛地界定时(James, Brief, Dietz, & Cohen, 2001)。研究发现,将多元文化主义与排斥联系在一起的白人,不太可能认同这种方法的多样性(Plaut, Garnett, Buffardi, & Sanchez, 2011)。白人觉得自己不够多样化,可能会让他们感到威胁,因为他们不想失去自己的社会主导地位或地位,也会导致排斥感。在试图重视多样性的同时,这种方法并不能让所有员工都感到被重视。
The multicultural organization is an organization that has within its vision, mission, goals, and values, explicit policies and practices that are intended to ensure that all members of the diverse workforce feel fully included and have every opportunity to contribute to achieving the mission of the organization (Jackson, 2006).A common thread through definitions and goals of multiculturalism is that race and ethnicity should be given attention (as opposed to being ignored) because prejudice develops in part from a lack of knowledge of and respect for other groups ( Rosenthal & Levy, 2010). This approach embraces the idea of having different cultures/backgrounds and makes it a mission to be aware of these differences in the workplace. Some examples of multicultural initiatives range from networking and mentoring programs that provide additional resources for demographically underrepresented groups of employees, corporate “diversity days” where employees backgrounds are celebrated, diversity luncheons where food of different nations is served, and workshops or seminars that focus on aspects of diversity (Stevens, Plaut,  & Sanchez, 2008). Other companies may require or strongly encourage employees to attend diversity training, which is designed to diminish bias and increase cultural awareness among nonminority employees (Paluck, 2006). While minority groups appreciate the value put on their culture and individual characteristics, non-minority groups have found a weakness in this approach. One study found that as potential job applicants, nonminority’s reported less positive attitudes toward promotion opportunities and less attraction to an organization when policies were specifically framed as benefiting minorities than when the policies were more generally framed (James, Brief, Dietz, & Cohen, 2001). Studies have found that whites that associate multiculturalism with exclusion, are less likely to endorse diversity with this approach (Plaut, Garnett, Buffardi, & Sanchez, 2011). Whites feeling that they are not diverse enough may cause them to feel threatened as they don’t want to lose their social dominance or status and also causes feelings of exclusion. While attempting to value diversity, this approach does not make all employees feel valued.