
2017-04-06 00:29

虽然这种方法允许更大的可能性,利用员工的愿望,他们愿意“给公司的一切”,它是平衡的互惠互利的文化,这是罕见的西方组织。一个工会在英国采取这种方法可能不代表其员工的有效,部分原因是由于直接沟通的偏好,但也由于传统的“我们和他们的文化”之间存在的员工和管理。公司由日本公司denkico成立委员会,例如,由于英国年轻管理者向员工提供相关的信息和解决问题的不情愿失败。(Terry,1999)因此,互利的方法是有效的在英国的概念,“我们和他们在英国雇佣关系管理者与员工之间需要转移到奇异的概念“我们”的组织。如果西方机构愿意采取互利的文化,工会可以通过接近该行业作为一个员工的重大的贡献,在这个动态的劳动力,增加他们的知名度和影响力(因此组织)的性能。值得注意的是由巴纳德(在jafee D,2001)社会控制的最终形式是通过灌输一种共同的道德目的”在组织的参与者。以时间和资源来解决个人需求可能是昂贵的。如果工会能够证明他们的帮助使员工的“目的”,组织能力,包括解决需要一个“更加多元化的格局,员工利益”(海曼,1997)的影响和关联会有助于提高组织效率提高。
While this approach allows greater possibilities to exploit employees by appealing to their willingness to ‘give everything to the company’ it is balanced by a culture of mutual benefit which is rare among western organisations. A union taking this approach in Britain may not represent its employees as effectively, partly due to the preference for direct communication, but also due to the traditional ‘us and them’ culture that exists between employees and management. A Company Council established by Japanese company Denkico, for example, failed due to the reluctance of young British managers to provide employees with relevant information and solve problems. (Terry, 1999) Thus, for mutual benefit approach to be effective in Britain, the concept of ‘us and them’ between managers and employees in British employment relations needs to shift to the singular concept of ‘us’ the organisation.If Western organisations are willing to adopt the culture of mutual benefit, unions may increase their recognition and influence in this dynamic workforce by approaching the industry as a significant contributor to employee (and hence organisational) performance. As noted by Barnard (in Jafee D, 2001) the ultimate form of social control is achieved by instilling a “common moral purpose” among organisational participants. Taking the time and resources to address individual needs can be costly. If unions can demonstrate their ability to help align employee “purpose” with that of the organisation, including addressing the needs of a “more diversified pattern of employee interests”, (Hyman, 1997) their influence and relevance will improve as they contribute more to improving organisational efficiency.