惠灵顿数据作业代写 结构良好的论证

2020-02-07 08:55

也许这两种研究最重要的共同点就是批判性思维。以研究为目的的批判性思维是一种有意识的质疑事实和虚构的行为,用来假设一个结构良好的论证,使用逻辑和推理来支持对知识的更深层次的理解。使用批判性思维的研究不是简单地用“是”或“不是”来回答问题。它用一个更深层次的问题来回答这个问题:被问的是什么,为什么被问。它是剖析一个问题,并决定是否有其他结论,可能提供或不提供更准确的回答。这一思想的进一步特征是,“批判性思想家必须知道如何评价陈述,并准备好将判断和行动与原则相匹配,要求证明和质疑没有根据的主张”(Forte和Horvath, 2011)。这叫做研究。人们普遍认为,博士学位和博士学位并不是一个平等的竞争平台。不管选择哪个学位,它们都有博士学位的优点。博士学位被许多人视为博士学位的“黄金标准”,尽管D.B.A.满足所有相同类型的严格要求,并且他们每个人都有突出的地位和头衔“博士”(Grove, 2016)。Schildkraut和Stafford(2015)向我们解释说,选择博士道路的人需要评估和分析现有的信息。当发现信息中的空白时,就进行研究来填补这些空白。他们推断,那些选择攻读工商管理硕士学位的人面临的挑战是发现工作场所的一个问题,并进行研究以找到解决管理或组织问题的办法。这两种学位都需要进行研究。不同的是研究方法。
惠灵顿数据作业代写 结构良好的论证
 Perhaps the most important element shared by both types of research is critical thinking. Critical thinking done for the purpose of research is the deliberate act of questioning fact and fiction to postulate a well-formed argument, using logic and reasoning that supports a deeper understanding of knowledge. Research using critical thinking is not simply answering a question with a yes or no. It is answering the question with a deeper question of what is being asked and why. It is dissecting a question and determining whether or not there other conclusions that may or may not provide a more accurate response. This idea is further characterized with the thought, “The critical thinker has to know how to evaluate statements and to be prepared to match judgment and action to a principle, to demand justification and to question ungrounded claims” (Forte and Horvath, 2011). This is called research.There is a large perception that a Ph.D. and D.B.A. are not on an equal playing field as terminal degrees. Regardless which degree is chosen, they both share in the merits of a doctoral degree. The Ph.D. is considered by many as the “Gold Standard” of doctoral degrees, even though the D.B.A. meets all of the same types of rigorous requirements and they each carry the prominence and title of “Dr” (Grove, 2016). Schildkraut and Stafford (2015) explain to us that those who choose the Ph.D. path are required to evaluate and analyze existing information. When gaps are discovered in the information, research is conducted to fill in those gaps. They infer that those who choose to pursue the D.B.A. are challenged with identifying a problem in the workplace and conducting research to generate solutions to fix managerial or organizational problems. Both types of degree conduct research. It is the research approach that is different.