惠灵顿作业代写 健康和照顾

2020-02-11 12:22

儿童越早接触到刺激、学习机会并获得适当的健康、营养、照顾和保护,其发展学习的结果和在社会中的作用就越先进(Papatheodorou和Wilson, 2016, p.79)。早期儿童和护理现在是一项干预服务,尤其是针对儿童(联合国教科文组织,2010年)。在瑞典,他们认为儿童要有一个他们有权利和代理权的环境,那么实践者就需要倾听儿童的意见并采纳他们的观点(Lewis,没有日期)。然后把他们的想法付诸行动,在重要的事情上,他们正在沟通(刘易斯,没有日期)。Te Whariki方法将护理和教育纳入教育,因为他们认识到新西兰ECEC的多样性(参考文献)。全球化可以引起可能的影响,因为它可以被视为通过控制资源和增加贫富差距来增加最贫穷国家的贫困(麦克道尔-克拉克,2016)。相比之下,一些人认为国际贸易可以使其他人受益,因为他们学习发展经济(麦克道尔-克拉克,2016)。关于什么是童年,儿童应该如何被照顾和教育,各国有不同的看法(Georgeson, Payler和Campell-Barr, 2013)。这对许多早期教育和护理先锋的国际声誉做出了贡献,比如维果茨基和弗罗贝尔。
惠灵顿作业代写 健康和照顾
The earlier a child is exposed to stimulation, learning opportunities and receive appropriate health, nutrition, care and protection it is seen the development learning outcomes and function in society will be more advanced (Papatheodorou and Wilson, 2016, p.79). Early childhood and care are now a interventionist service especially for children (UNESCO, 2010). In Sweden they feel that for children to have an environment that they have rights and agency then practitioners need to be listening to children and taking on board theirs views (Lewis, No Date). To then put their thoughts into action on the important things they are communicating (Lewis, No Date). The Te Whariki approach integrates care and education under education as they recognise the diversity of ECEC in New Zealand (REFERENCE).Globalisation can cause may implications as it can be seen to increase poverty in the poorest countries by controlling resources and increasing the gaps between the rich and poor (McDowall-Clark, 2016). In comparison some people believe it can benefit others due to the international trade as they learn to develop economically (McDowall-Clark, 2016). There are many views on what childhood is and how children should be cared for and educated which is varies between countries (Georgeson, Payler and Campell-Barr, 2013). This has been a contribution to the international reputations of many early education and care pioneers such as Vygotsky and Froebel .