
2018-07-25 14:23

第五单元是“给我讲个故事”,第一部分是要求学生通过填写正确的方框中的数字来选择正确的句子。在这一部分,学生们需要先通读故事,然后找出故事的顺序。这一部分的故事是“老鼠-鹿和鳄鱼”(Wignell, 2009)。这使学生们能够好好思考。第二部分,学生必须把两个句子合为一个。他们必须使用“and”,“but”和“because”来连接句子。这个练习的目的是让学生学会如何将两个不同的句子结合成一个句子。为了让学生理解如何加入句子,将会提供一个例子给他们。这对学生来说更容易。工作表的最后一部分填写在空格中。这个部分,学生们被要求填空来完成这个故事。故事是《狐狸与葡萄》(n. d . 2013)。这样,学生们就可以一边读故事,一边学习。这使他们能够创造性地使用与所给故事相符的词语。对于第七单元,活动1和活动2是针对LEP学生的。活动一是学生使用简单英语进行阅读的一种阅读活动。2是mcq活动。这可以帮助LEP学生从给定的选项中选择答案。然而,第五题将填入学生可以给出自己观点的空白处。在这里,要求学生思考一下。这有助于他们的创造性、批判性思维能力。活动3是一个阅读活动,但它是为AEP学生。它使用长而难的词。活动4,要求学生用正确的拼法圈出单词。是为AEP学生准备的。词长,词的选择相近。更有挑战性的是,拼写可能是错误的,但是发音可能是相同的。至于活动5,学生需要在句子中加上正确的标点符号。有短句和长句。句子越长,句子中就越需要标点符号。
Unit Five which is “Tell Me A Story”, the first section is where students are required to choose the correct sentences by filling in the number in the correct box provided. In this section, the students need to read through the story first and then figure out the sequences of the story. The story in this section is “The Mouse- Deer and the Crocodile” (Wignell, 2009). This enables students to think well. As for the second part, students must join the two sentences into one. They must use “and”, “but” and “because” in order for them to join the sentences. The reason for this exercise is to enable students to learn how to join two different sentences into one. In order to let the students understand how to join the sentences, there will be an example provided for them. This will make it easier for the students. The last section of the worksheet is fill in the blanks. This part, students are required to fill in the blanks to complete the story. The story is “The Fox and the Grapes” (n. d, 2013). By this, students will be able to read the story and learn at the same time. This enables them to be creative in putting words that fits and tally with the story given.For Unit Seven, activity 1 and 2 are for the LEP students. Activity 1 is a reading activity which uses simple English for students to read. Activity 2 is MCQs. This can help the LEP students to choose answers from the choices given. However, question five will be fill in the blanks where students can give their own point of view. Here, students are required to think a bit. This can help in their Creative, Critical Thinking Skills (CCTS). Activity 3 is a reading activity, but it is for the AEP students. It uses long and difficult words. Activity 4, students are required to circle the words with the correct spelling. It is for AEP students. The words are longer and the word choices are close to each other. What makes it more challenging is that, the spelling might be wrong, but the pronunciations can be the same. As for activity 5, students need to put the correct punctuations in the sentences. There are short and long sentences. The longer the sentences the more punctuation needed in one sentence.