
2018-09-05 19:43

这个故事也是高度幻想的一个例子,“另一个世界是通过初级世界的门户进入的”。这种类型的幻想使作者能够直接比较这两个世界。(Gamble and Yates, 2008: 122)这是因为,尽管在贝尔进入野兽的城堡之前,一切看起来都很现实,但她一进入城堡,就被带入了一个神奇的王国。这不仅给了作者比较两个世界的机会,也给了读者,也就是孩子们自己进行比较的机会,这可以用来加强和改进他们对每个世界的描述性写作以及它们之间的区别。“大多数作家对他们的书的语言都非常谨慎,尤其是在图画书中,每个单词都很重要,老师、家长或孩子会读很多遍。”然而,你也必须确保你的书提供丰富的图像,明喻,隐喻,人格化和头韵。”(Graham J &凯利,2008:94)每个桃梨李子都是一个很好的例子,因为它为儿童提供了押韵使阅读更容易不自信的孩子,因此孩子们就能获得信心在阅读这类型的书。“押韵文本加强了对起起伏伏和白霜的鉴赏力,这对读写能力的发展是如此重要,这一事实使它们对苦苦挣扎的读者至关重要。
This story is also an example of high fantasy in that “the alternative world is entered through a portal in the primary world. This type of fantasy enables the writer to make a direct comparison between the two worlds.” (Gamble and Yates, 2008: 122) This is because although everything seems realistic before Belle enters the Beast's castle as soon as she enters she is transported into a magical realm.This not only gives the writer the opportunity to compare the two worlds it also gives the readers i.e. the children a chance to make their own comparisons, which could be used to enhance and improve their descriptive writing of each of the worlds and how they differ.“Most writers are very careful with the language of their books, especially in picture books, where each word counts and is going to be read by teacher, parent or child scores of times. However you must also ensure that you have included books that offer rich images, simile, metaphor, personification and alliteration.” (Graham J & Kelly A, 2008: 94) Each Peach Pear Plum is a good example of this as it provides children with rhyme which makes the read easier for children who are not as confident and therefore the children are then able to gain confidence in reading from this genre of book. “The fact that rhyming texts strengthen appreciation of onset and rime, so important to literacy development, makes them of central importance for the struggling reader.