
2018-11-07 13:07

这些基本理想最初是由弗洛贝尔在他1826年的著作《人的教育》中提出的。他以有限的父母的关注来看待自己的童年,并记住了自己的孤独,并以此为出发点,发展了自己的理想。在发展自己的教育体系时,他也借鉴了前人的知识(Polito, 1996)(p。161 - 173)。随着专门针对儿童的电脑和电视节目的出现,现在很可能需要重新考虑这一点。研究需要确定缺乏面对面的父母和其他成年人在家的关注和学习被“移交”到机械手段的影响。弗罗巴尔的情况和今天许多孩子的情况似乎有关联。缺乏与其他儿童和成年人的互动限制了学习情境的可能范围,并可能在以后的生活中产生社会互动方面的问题,尽管这方面的研究需要充分了解其影响。只有电视或电脑娱乐也会严重限制孩子的想象力,因为缺乏个人互动和身体上的参与。这可能也会影响运动技能,因为缺乏使用和减少运动范围。在我自己的童年时代,我总是被鼓励去使用创造性的游戏,并与我的朋友一起制作戏剧布景,我们会为我们的父母表演小木偶剧。这种类型的游戏涉及各种概念;手工制作布景,语言表达能力强,与他人一起玩耍,能熟练使用木偶。
These basic ideals were set out originally by Froebel in his 1826 book ‘The Education of Man’. He viewed his own childhood with limited parental attention and remembered his loneliness and using this as his starting point he developed his ideals. He also drew on the knowledge of previous educators when developing his own system of education (Polito, 1996)(p. 161-173). This point may well need to be revisited now with the advent of computers and television programmes specifically aimed at young children.Research needs to be aimed at determining the effects of lack of face to face attention from parents and other adults at home and learning being ‘handed over’ to mechanical means. There would appear to be correlations between Froebal’s situation and that of many children today. Lack of interaction with other children and a range of adults limits the possible range of learning situations and may create problems with social interaction later in life although research into this area needs to be conducted to fully understand the effects. Having only the TV or computer for entertainment will also serious limit the child’s imagination through lack of personal interaction and physically being involved in the play. This may affect motor skills too through lack of use and a reduced range of movement. In my own childhood I was always encouraged to use inventive play and would create theatre sets with my friends and we would perform little puppet shows for our parents. This type of play involved a variety of concepts; craft work to create the sets, linguistic skills to write the plays, integrated play by playing with others and dexterity to use puppets.