
2019-01-30 22:47

根据Gorski(1998)的研究,酒精中毒有几种不同的类型。在现代,本杰明拉什博士的医学研究人员研究酒精中毒。他们的想法是发现一种与酒精有关的综合症,将其作为一种疾病。他对这些症状的解释还没有完成。然而,调查开始了酒精中毒作为一种疾病的体检程序。1950年中期,医学检查结束了耶鲁大学和罗格斯大学的酒精研究项目。这些项目最终在很大一部分信息中结束,这些信息创造了一个令人信服的论点,即酗酒实际上是一种疾病。美国国会似乎对此深信不疑,成立了国家酒精滥用和酒精中毒研究所,在全国范围内实施治疗计划。总的来说,许多治疗酗酒者的人从来没有回到最初的源头,这清楚地表明了对酗酒的理解;他们将酒精中毒分为五种不同的亚型:,,,和。并不是所有的酒精问题都与酒精中毒有关。这些定义来自Gorski(1998)。阿尔法酗酒者通常依赖心理,但不依赖身体。Beta酗酒者并不是身体上对酒精上瘾,而是与身体健康问题有关,比如肝损伤。伽玛酗酒者在生理和心理上都依赖酒精。Delta酗酒者在生理和心理上也依赖酒精,但饮酒强度不会增加。爱扑塞隆酗酒者和周期性酗酒者一样,一个人可能会有一段时间的复发和酗酒会持续很长时间。总的来说,gamma, delta和epsilon酗酒者都是疾病。在过去的三年中,Jellinek回顾了酒精中毒的疾病概念。根据Jellinek的拓扑结构,gamma, delta和epsilon alcoholisms符合疾病的标准。因此,并不是所有的酒精都被认为是一种疾病,只有一部分除外。
According to Gorski (1998), there are few different types of alcoholism. In the modern day, Dr. Benjamin Rush medical researcher studied alcoholism. The idea was discover an alcohol related syndrome of medical problems as a disease. His explanation of the symptoms was unfinished though. However, the inquiry began a procedure of alcoholism medical examination as a disease. In the middle of 1950, the medical examination concluded with the Yale and Rutgers schools of alcohol studies’ projects. These projects finally ended in a great significant part of information which created a convincing argument that alcoholism was in fact a disease. Congress of the United States seemed to be convinced and created the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to implement treatment programs all over the country. Overall, many people treating alcoholics never went back to the original source which clearly demonstrated an understanding of alcoholism; they divided alcoholism into five different subtypes: alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon. Not all of alcohol problems are with the disease of alcoholism. These definitions are from Gorski (1998). Alpha alcoholics normally depend on psychological but without physical. Beta alcoholics are not physically addicted to the alcohol but related to physical health problems like liver damage. Gamma alcoholics are both physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol. Delta alcoholics are also physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol but drinking intensity does not increase. The epsilon alcoholics are same as the periodic alcoholic, one may have a period of relapses and a binge stays for a long time. Overall, gamma, delta, and epsilon alcoholics are disease. In past three years, the disease concept of alcoholism reviewed by Jellinek. According to Jellinek’s topology, gamma, delta, and epsilon alcoholisms met the criteria for disease. Therefore, not all but some of alcoholisms are consider as a disease.