新西兰IT作业代写 业务连续性

2020-01-25 19:15

业务连续性和服务可用性涉及应用弹性、恢复和应急策略,以克服和减少可能或正在影响公司或企业的事件和灾难的影响(Margaret Rouse, n.d.)。在考虑云解决方案时,企业会研究这些策略和可能的方法,以便将它们应用到自己的业务场景中。业务连续性处理的是保持关键业务功能持续运行,而服务可用性处理的是为客户和客户提供服务、关键和支持基础设施。导致采取这些措施的一些常见因素是自然和人为的灾难、服务器崩溃、人为错误导致的事故等(Ready, n.d.)。也就是说,当前的NHS云系统通过多个备份来处理公共云中的冗余数据。这不仅是浪费时间,也是对宝贵资源的浪费。业务仍然容易受到火灾、意外事故等影响。他们的系统中还存在风险管理,可以识别潜在的威胁,以便在出现威胁时能够减轻威胁。此外,还有一种半结构化的方法来识别当前以粗糙形式提供的服务的潜在威胁和中断。在我们提出的解决方案中,我们使用业务影响分析、质量管理(MasterControl, n.d)和风险管理作为业务管理和服务连续性的策略。
新西兰IT作业代写 业务连续性
Business continuity and service availability deals with applying resilience, recovery and contingency strategies so as to overcome and reduce the effect of incidents and disasters that may or is affecting a company or business (Margaret Rouse, n.d). When considering a cloud solution, a business looks into these strategies and possible ways to apply them to their own business scenario. Business continuity deals with keeping the critical business functions continuously up and going and service availability deals with having the services and key and supporting infrastructure available to clients and customers. Some of the common factors that cause such measures to be adopted are natural and man-made disasters, server crashes, accidents caused by human error etc (Ready, n.d). That being said, the current NHS cloud system deals with having redundancy of the data in the public cloud by having multiple backups. This is not only time-consuming but also a waste of valuable resources. The business is still prone to effects such as fires, unexpected crashes etc. There is also risk management present in their system that identifies potential threats so that they can be mitigated when it occurs. There is also a semi-structured way of identifying potential threats and disruptions to services currently available in a crude form.  In our proposed solution we use business impact analysis, quality management (MasterControl, n.d) and risk management as our policies for business management and service continuity.